Digital Workplace Trends Survey closing soon

If you or your team works in intranets, enterprise social media or are otherwise involved in the digital workplace then you should really be checking out the Digital Workplace Trends Report.

The Digital Workplace Survey is in it’s 8th year and provides insight into short and long term trends in the digital workplace. This is useful, not just for staying in touch with trends and planning minor enhancements in your own workplace, but also in strategising the future roadmap and major updates. It’s a great tool to share with senior management as it shows what other organisations are doing in the space via survey results, expert commentary and case studies.

Participating organisations receive a free copy of the report and a customized Digital Workplace Scorecard which can be used to compare against similar organisations.

The survey can be completed as an individual, or as a team. You can choose for your organization to remain anonymous if you wish. Go on, complete the survey now.

Full disclosure, I am a member of the Advisory Board for Digital Workplace Trends Report. I have participated in the survey myself since 2010 and personally use it to keep up-to-date on what other organisations are doing, and to inform changes in my own work and strategies.

The survey is open now, closing November 21 2014 and the report will be released in March 2015.

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